Giving the Great Shift a Little Nudge

About Urine Therapy

What is Urine Therapy?

Urine Therapy is age old practice of drinking and washing in ones own urine and applying it to the body in several other ways.

Urine is essentially, all the beneficial, life-giving substances that are carried along with the bloodstream.
If a blood sample is taken and left standing up in a test-tube, the red blood cells would sink to the bottom of the test-tube leaving a yellowish liquid that the doctor's call "blood plasma", the medical term for it is "Plasma Ultrafiltrate" or highly filtered blood plasma, but it is really just urine.

Another term you may be familiar with is "Amniotic fluid", this is the mother's urine and then later it is the baby's urine and helps to form the baby's skin and lungs.
Medical terms such as these effectively hide the fact that urine is the most studied substance in the medical field.

There is practically nothing that urine won't heal. Urine is said to be effective against the flu, the common cold, broken bones, toothache, dry skin, psoriasis and all other skin problems. It reverses aging and is helpful with AIDS, allergies, animal and snake bites, asthma, heart disease, hypertension, burns, cancer, chemical intoxication, chicken pox, enteritis, constipation, and pneumonia. Urine is said to be effective against dysentery, edema, eczema, eye irritation, fatigue, fever, gonorrhea, gout, bloody urine, smallpox, immunological disorders, infections, infertility, baldness, insomnia, jaundice, hepatitis, leprosy, lymphatic disorder, urticaria, morning sickness, hangover, obesity, papilloma virus, parasitoses, gastric ulcer, rheumatism, birthmarks, stroke, congestion, lumbago, typhus, gastritis, depression, cold sore, tuberculosis, tetanus, Parkinson's disease, foot fungus, and diabetes and other endocrine related diseases.

There are a great many misconceptions about urine therapy and indeed urine itself that automatically prevents people from considering urine as a method of healing and I shall address them here.

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Urine Therapy Topics

Drinking Urine

Collect the first midstream urination of the day in a clean, that is, let the first few ounces of urine go, to clean out the pipes as it were and the last few ounces, to avoid any sediment, and capture the middle of the stream.

The first urination of the day is the most important one to use because while you slept, the energy that you were saving was used by the body to produce all sorts of beneficial hormones, vitamins, minerals and enzymes to aid in the body's repair and maintenance and that urine is the most "nutritionally rich" for want of a better phrase.

There is no further preparation required, you may drink all that you have produced leaving enough to perform a urine massage (usually about a centimetre at the bottom of the glass) and for any other immediate uses described below.

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Urine Massages

Urine massages are the second key component of Urine Therapy, which is every bit as important as drinking.

Drinking the urine stimulates the body to push out toxicity through all its channels of elimination, the breath, the bowels and the skin, but urine massages concentrate on the largest organ of elimination the skin by drawing toxicity out of it, as well as giving the top layers of skin access to rejuvenating stem cells and other beneficial substances not normally afforded to it.

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Aged Urine

Aged urine is that which has been stored for 8 days or more. When stored correctly, Urine can be kept indefinitely, and the older it gets the more effective it becomes.

To age urine, store fresh urine in a glass container with a gas permeable covering so that it can "breathe", for example, if using a bottle, then stop with a wad of cotton wool, if using a jar then cover with a piece of cloth held in place with an elestic band. Store in a cool place where it will not be disturbed

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Urine Pack

A Urine Pack is essentially a poultice that is used externally by placing over an injury, irritation, insect or animal bite, inflamation, wound, burn or skin complaint.

The Urine Pack works because the urine draws toxicity out through the skin by stimulating the skin, which is the body's largest organ of toxic elimination, to expel them.
The urine not only acts as a powerful pain killer, but also contains a substantial amount of stem cells, and these undifferentiated cells get to work healing the injury, significantly quicker than normal.

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Urine Fasting

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Homeopathic Preparations

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Eyewashes, Enemas, Footbaths and Other Uses

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