Conditional Acceptance is the bread and butter of Freeman techniques and can be used in a variety of situations, whenever an offer is forced upon you. A Conditional Acceptance is a way to honorably respond to offers to contract or situations that appear to force you to perform some task or duty by throwing the burden of proof back on to your opponent and results in an agreement between the parties that there is no proof of claim.
Example One: An Offer to Vaccinate
Let's say that you doctor has sent you a letter insisting that you bring in your child for vaccination, and it is worded in such a way as to seem like it is a mandatory duty to do so. Rather than refuse, argue or protest, another way would be to agree to allow the vaccination on the condition that the doctor proves certain things first.
Such a conditional acceptance might look like this:
Notice of Conditional Acceptance
Dear Dr. Poisoner,
Thank you for insisting that my child receive the [Vaccine Name] vaccine, your concern for the welfare of my family is most touching.
I am happy for my child to receive this and any other such vaccine that you care to administer, on the condition that you provide the following:
- At least, one double-blind, placebo controlled study that proves the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
- Scientific evidence on any study which confirms the long-term safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
- Scientific evidence which proves that any disease reduction at any point in history was directly attributable to vaccination of a population.
- Scientific justification as to how injecting a human being with a confirmed neurotoxin is beneficial to human health and prevents disease.
- Scientific justification on how bypassing the respiratory tract or mucous membrane is advantageous and how directly injecting viruses into the bloodstream enhances immune functioning and prevents further infections.
- Scientific justification of how a vaccine would prevent viruses from mutating.
- Scientific justification as to how a vaccination can target a virus in an infected individual who does not have the exact viral configuration or strain the vaccine was developed for.
And finally, since it is my understanding that vaccines actually place the recipient at a risk of developing a wide range of diseases and conditions, so you are also required to complete, sign and return the enclosed Liability Statement, in the presence of three witnesses.
Please respond with substance and with the requested proofs of claim within seven (7) days, failure to do so will be deemed to mean that no such proofs exist and it is your medical opinion that the proposed vaccination is not safe.
Yours Sincerely,
Using this approach, you are not actually refusing or opposing the doctor, quite the contrary, you are agreeing with him but only if he provides you with proof of his claims, which are impossible to provide, placing the burden of proof on the doctor.
There is nothing tricky about this, a doctor wanting to vaccinate a child should know for sure that what he is doing is safe and if he cannot then that should be a red flag for the doctor himself, should he be administering this vaccine if he has no evidence it is safe?
In this particular case, I would also firmly place the ball back in the doctor's court with a Liability Statement with which the doctor will explicitly accept liability for the possibly consequences of his actions, something that, from a moral standpoint, he should be doing anyway, but he will never sign this and accept liability for his actions.
Liability Statement
I, [Doctor's Name], as the physician administering the [Name of Vaccine] vaccine, have thoroughly examined the patient, [Patient Name] and have determined that the patient does not have any of the conditions listed below.
I therefore accept full responsibility and full commercial liability should the patient be subsequently diagnosed with any of the following conditions as a result of receiving this vaccine:
[The disease the vaccine was designed to inoculate against], allergic reactions, ADHD, autism, AIDS, cancer, pneumonia, encephalitis, meningitis, hepatitis, Epstein-Barr disease, encephalopathy, febrile convulsions, non-febrile convulsions, paralytic poliomyelitis and Guillain Barré syndrome.
Signed in the presence of three witnesses:
Dr. ......................................................... Signature ......................................................
Date ...............................................................
Witness.................................................. Signature ......................................................
Address ..................................................................................................................................
Witness.................................................. Signature ......................................................
Address ..................................................................................................................................
Witness.................................................. Signature ......................................................
Address ..................................................................................................................................
Send this and any relevant documents (such as the liability statement in this case), recorded delivery and staple the receipt to your copy of the documents. As long as you have asked the right questions, your opponent will not be able to provide the requested proofs of their claims against you within the reasonable time period that you have allotted them, but as an honorable man/woman it's only fair to give them more time to respond.
So, after the time limit expires, follow up with a Notice of Default with Opportunity to Cure which explains the situation as well as your generous extention of time. (a PDF sample is available below)
Once this further period expires and your notice of default is dishonoured then you finish by sending a Notice of Default and of Estoppel by Acquiescence.. This notice summarises what has transpired so far and noted that their silence or inability to provide the requested proofs of their claims has resulted in a binding agreement that their claims are invalid and thus creates a condition of Estoppel, which means that once an agreement had been reached (even by tacit aquiescence) your opponent is prevented from making assertions that are contradictory to this established determination.
At this point, it is also useful to give notification of your fee schedule for, say, responding to communications regarding this matter, and that's it, in this case, the Doctor has nowhere to go, he cannot force the vaccine upon your child without taking liability for his actions, and even if he attempted to, you can take him to court regarding the breach of a legally binding agreement between you.
I've included an example of a Courtesy Letter that you may want to send, along with your invoice for the amount specified on your fee schedule, should the Doctor attempt to contact you further on this matter.
Example Two: Speeding Camera Tickets
You receive a Notice of Intended Prosecution, it looks pretty scary, and many would feel intimidated by it enough to just pay it and make the scary words on a piece of paper go away, however, this "Notice" is merely an offer. Why would they notify you that they intend to prosecute you? If they have evidence that you have committed a crime, wouldn't they just prosecute you? Of course they would, they are making you an offer for you to confess to a statutory violation and pay a fine.
Once again, the way to deal with this situation honorably, is to conditionally accept this offer upon proof of the claims presented.
Notice of Discharge of Notice of Intended Prosecution and Request for Clarification
Dear Mr. RevenueCollectorPig,
I write with reference to your Notice of Intended Prosecution dated 1st January 2019.
I must admit that I do not understand the alleged offence and I am requesting clarification of a few points.
I note that you are contemplating proceedings against the driver of a motor vehicle identified as a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. While, I do own a private automobile which fits that description, it is not a motor vehicle as defined in section 185(c) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 as "a mechanically propelled vehicle intended or adapted for use on roads" since the use of the indefinite article "a" at the beginning of the sentence means that it is not necessarily a vehicle, in the same way that an apple might be defined as "a round, red fruit", plums and cherries share the same attributes but they are not apples, nor are they different types of apple.
Furthermore, having consulted a number of legal dictionaries I find that the definition of a driver is one who is engaged in commerce on the road. For example Black's Law Dictionary defines a driver as: "One employed in conducting a coach, carriage, wagon, or other vehicle, with horse, mules, or other animals, or a bicycle, tricycle, or motor car, though not a street railroad car."
And since I have never, ever engaged in commerce upon the road it appears that I am not a driver and I have never engaged in the practice of driving.
1. Can a man or woman who is not driving a vehicle be charged with the alleged offence?
The alleged offence apparently took place at 16:56 on 25 December 2018 at UPPER THAMES STREET BY STEW LANE. It is quite possible that I was travelling in my private automobile at that time, and on that day but I am not familiar with UPPER THAMES STREET BY STEW LANE so can neither confirm nor deny my location. The enclosed photocopied pictures do bear a striking resemblance to my private automobile but I have not been presented with any material facts or evidence that it is the same.
2. Could you provide the sworn testimony of the complainant and witnesses who have firsthand knowledge of the matter?
As an honourable man I am distressed at the thought that I may have inadvertently caused harm or loss to someone and would naturally wish to make redress or compensate any loss. However, I have carefully studied the "photographic evidence" but yet it fails to display any evidence of injury, loss, damage to property or a breach of the peace.
3. Could you provide the name of the injured party and his or her sworn testimony detailing the nature of the tort?
Please provide satisfactory answers to these three questions with substance and accompanying documentation and proofs in Affidavit format sworn under oath or attestation, under penalty of perjury and upon your full commercial liability that the facts contained therein are true, correct, complete and not misleading.
If I do not receive such a response conforming to the above criteria within seven (7) days of the date of this letter, it will be deemed a tacit agreement by your acquiescence that no offence took place and that all parties to mean you and your principal or other parties abandon all demands upon me.
I must also decline your offer to complete the form on the reverse of the Notice of Intended Prosecution as I am not willing to provide consent or evidence for use in any subsequent prosecution of this alleged offence. Also, since the paragraphs instructing me to complete the form both appear within boxes upon the face of the document then the 'Four Corners' rule applies and thus may be disregarded without dishonour.
Sincerely without malice, ill will, vexation or frivolity
Now there are a few concepts introduced in this notice that you may not be aware of, so let's dive in:
Driving is a commercial activity, if you are not employed to conduct business on the public roads, then you are a Traveller, not a Driver, and if you are not a Driver, then the rules, licences, taxes, fees and duties of a driver do not apply to you!
But if you confess or agree to being a driver then now thoses rules and regulation do apply to you. However, if you don't play along and confess to being a driver, then the burden of proof is now on them to prove that you are engaged in the commercial activity or "Driving".
The notice probably also included a photocopy of a photograph of your car, but while it might appear that there is evidence against you, be aware that a photograph is NOT evidence. The only admissible evidence would be a statement of a witness with first hand knowledge of the alleged offence, the photograph is merely an intimidation tool to illicit a confession from the unwary.
If a crime is alleged to have been committed, then there needs to be a complaining party and witnesses who have firsthand knowledge of the matter, but if it is a statutory violation then you need to see the lawful contract that where you agreed to abide by the statute.
There is also a little known rule, known as "The Four Corners Rule" which means that any text which is contained within a box on the document, then it is not considered as part of that document, and so can be ignored. If you read a document, ommitting anything that appears within a box, then you may find that the document does not actually say what you think it says.
Along with the Notice of Discharge of Notice of Intended Prosecution and Request for Clarification, I have included a Notice of Default and Opportunity to Cure that is sent once the expiry period specified in the Notice of Discharge has expired, and finally the Notice of Estoppel to be sent once both notices have been dishonoured. I have also included the actual final response from City of London Police which essentially was a Technical climb down.