Giving the Great Shift a Little Nudge

About The Test

The Muggle Test is not meant to be disparaging, in fact the word "Muggle" is used, rather than the derrogatory term "Sheeple" because those who are not awake and aware of the agendas and conspiracies that control our world, are actually victims of deception.   They have taken the easy path of least resistance and are "getting on with their lives" rather than question the path that we have been placed on.   But the truth is, we were all Muggles at one point.

So, this test is not meant to be critical or disrespectful, but it is merely a tool to guage your level of awareness of topics that are not discussed in the mainstream media and bear very little relation to the stories we've been told by them.

Take the test

This test will consist of 10 randomly selected, multiple choice questions on various topics, this test will be timed and must be completed within 3 minutes.

The time starts when you click the "Start Test" button below. Good luck!

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Level One: Asleep

Man Landed on The Moon
TV Is Reality
9/11 Was A Terrorist Attack
Your Vote Matters
Vaccines Save Lives
Taxes Are Mandatory
The Police Protect and Serve

The Unknown

1st Class Muggle

You are a fully awakened master of the truth, you have not only discovered various aspects of the truth, but have actively and thoroughly researched and understood them.

You can also Invite a friend to take the test, you will be notified of their classification.

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