The current worldwide system of medicine, did not achieve its pre-eminent and universal status because it is more effective than any other form of healthcare, it is regarded as the only valid form of treatment for disease, illness and injury simply because it was manipulated into place vith enormous amounts of money, from Eugenicists whose stated goal is depopulation, especially of races which they consider inferior.
In 1910, the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations commissioned Abraham Flexner to produce a detailed audit of all types of medicine and medical education available in the United States and Canada. At that time, there were many types of medical treatment available, such as Naturopathic, Chiropractic, Herbalist, Homeopathic etc., however, the "Flexner Report", as it became known as, formed the basis of a plan to massively fund and promote one particular type of medicine, called "Allopathic Medicine".
Allopathic Medicine is the practice of only treating the symptoms of an injury, but not the cause. This approach was excellent at providing trauma care after accidents for example, if someone had been struck by a bus, then the Allopathic practitioner would deal only with the symptoms of the accident, they would stop the bleeding, and deal with cuts, bruises and broken bones, the cause of the symptoms, in this case, the bus, is irrelevant and duly ignored.
Rockefeller and Carnegie massively funded allopathic practitioners, founded medical schools teaching allopathic methods, built hospitals that only used allopathic medicine, funded the creation of Medical Associations and Boards to regulate medical practice to ensure that only allopathic methods could be considered as medicine. Rockefeller also ensured that insurance companies only paid out for allopathic treatment and the media would only pump out Doctor and Hospital movies and TV shows featuring... You guessed it, Allopathic Medicine.
This is the only reason why this system of medical treatment, that treats only the symptoms of a disease and not the cause, is predominant in the world today, not because it is particularly safe or effective at healing the human body, but because it was manipulated into place but massive amounts of money.
Rockefeller's goal, on the surface, was to dominate the oil, chemical, and pharmaceutical markets, so his company [Standard Oil of New Jersey] purchased a controlling interest in a huge German drug/chemical company called I.G. Farben. (the company which created Zyklon B gas, chemical and biological weapons during World War II). The hidden agenda of Rockefeller, like all of the elite class, is depopulation.
Bill Gates outlining his plan for third world depopulation.
This is not some conspiracy theory, but the stated aim of the elite class, whose weapons of choice are vaccines and "healthcare".
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The Bodycentric Health Approach
As one who has spent years researching alternative health methodologies to deal with my own very poor state of health, I have come to advocate, what I have termed, a bodycentric approach to healing, rather than an approach centered upon disease, bacteria or symptoms.
The human body is more than capable of healing itself and maintaining the best possible state of heath within the environment and circumstances it finds itself in, however, a medical system, not fit for its stated purpose, constantly interferes with the body's healing and repair processes, not only obstructing these processes but actively suppressing them while intentionally causing new problems it calls 'side effects' as part of a marketing scheme to sell more pharmaceutical drugs and create customers for life (however short that life might subsequently turn out to be).
The Bodycentric approach is all about getting out of the body's way and letting it get on with the task that it was designed to do and assisting it to do what it is trying to do.
The Bodycentric view holds that there are no separate diseases, just a state of bad health with many different manifestations and as it turns out, our bodies are designed perfectly to repair and maintain itself in the best possible condition, such that we can even survive (for a limited time) in the most toxic of environments. The problem is that we have been born into the most toxic environment imaginable and our bodies are struggling to keep up and for the most part they do (for a limited time), but what usually tips the balance is our mental/emotional state, particularly deep set and chronic states of emotion which weakens particular parts of our bodies leading to a manifestation that the whitecoats call a disease.
The Bodycentric approach is a four part protocol that acknowledges what the body is doing and works with the body, without hindering it.
Stop poisoning the body. By changing the diet to fruit, juicy fruits are up to 98% distilled water and the physical matter is easy for the body to dispose of so eating fruit places no stress on the body (The body treats cooked food the same way as if you ingested a poison, a process the white-coats call Digestive Leukocytosis).
Remove the poisons already in the body. This is where the Urine and Distilled water comes in, urine stimulates the body to dump toxins and Urine Massages pull toxins out of the skin (the largest organ of elimination) and it also contains stem cells which are used to repair the body. Distilled water dissolves and washes out the buildup of inorganic minerals which cause a whole range of problems.
Give the body the energy it needs to do the job. It takes up to 80% of your body's energy to digest or get rid of food, when one fasts, the energy that would be expended in digestion can now be used for repair and maintenance.
Change the mindset that triggers the problem. All disease begins in the mind by recognising the specific thought patterns playing out in our minds and counteracting them we can prevent our minds from hindering the healing process or re-triggering them after we have healed.
Understanding the body's processes is key to this approach, as its responses are always misconstrued by the medical system.
After starting this protocol one inevitably experiences what are known as "Detox Symptoms" or a "Healing Crisis". One may experience weakness, tiredness, headaches or a previous ailment might seem to flare up and get worse, but rather than a problem, as the medical system would have you believe, these are a sign that the body is dumping toxins and those toxins have to leave the body somehow, and they tend to find the path of least resistance, which is often some issue or illness that the body already has experience with. Again, don't worry, continue with the urine therapy and tough out the healing crisis, it should last for 3 days to a week but after the toxins leave, the healing can begin.
This is a necessary step, since the body has to eject to poisons that are harming the body before the healing can begin.